Bridging the gaps in the tech journey for all Haitians

Brilliance is evenly distributed, but opportunity isn't.
We exist to unlock Haitian potential
"There are talented individuals everywhere, but all too often their potential is limited by arbitrary factors like race, gender, nationality, and more tangibly, through challenges of operating globally."
We're on a mission to turn Haiti into the engineering powerhouse of the caribbean and empowering Haitian technologists to solve some of our most difficult challenges.
DevHaiti serves members through community, mentorship, and strategic partnerships. We provide resources, guidance, scholarships, and challenge members to establish new standards of innovation.
Solving the pipeline issues for all Haitians joining and currently in the tech industry.
Stay dated with our latest efforts.
We promise not to spam you. We're still operating in a stealth-mode and will probably only let you know of major events.